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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In an effort to help answer FAQ, we've compiled this list of information to help answer any questions you may have. If you do have any questions that are not answered here, please contact us so we can help answer your specific question.

Q1. How long is the certification valid for?


Q2. What format is the certificate issued? 


Q3. What methods of payment are available?

  • We leverage Stripe so you can pay via credit card, debit card or ACH. For organizations that want to use invoicing to pay for one or more applicants, we will offer offline invoicing capabilities to issue testing vouchers. Contact us for more details on that method of payment.


Q4. What are the key justifications to get certified? 

The Certified SCA Practitioner (CSCAP) and Certified SCA Architect (CSCAA) certifications are focused on a niche need:

  • These certifications demonstrate a level of competence necessary to ensure that the security of an organization’s applications, services, and processes are designed, implemented, and maintained according to Secure Software Design Principles (SSDP).

  • Leverages the latest "best practices" from NIST on SSDP and its Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF). 

  • Addresses an immediate need to demonstrate SSDP from Executive Order (EO) 14028.

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